I would only add to the translated Chinese document, that I firmly disagree with the premise that the Himalayan yeti is a Tibetan red bear. It is understood that the bear is capable of bipedal gait, and it flees humans when excited on its hind paws for "short distances!" But there is reported a more aggressive ape-like bipedal creature, which lacks the prognathic facial features of a bear (long snout) and another taller hairy creature sketched by Slawomir Rawicz in 1942.

Italian alpinist Reinhold Messner brought ‘his bear hypothesis’ into public scrutiny in 2001; it is my belief he is wrong in his assessment that the Himalayas only have bears that are mistaken for the yeti. Moreover, the tracks in the snows of the Himalayas, which climber Eric Shipton photographed in 1951 are not consistent with bear tracks and the earlier 1942 sketch by Rawicz is not bear-like.

Reinhold Messner's most notable achievement was his ascent of the number one ranked climb in the Himalayas -- Mt. Everest, which stands at an elevation of 8,850 M (29,035 feet) and a degree of difficulty was added because Messner made the climb without benefit of supplemental oxygen.  At that altitude, climbing deprived of oxygen is a super-human feat; the functionality of any climber's brain at that altitude would be impaired.

Messner appears to have forgotten his 1986 announcement that he and his team while in eastern Tibet, actually tracked 16” footprints belonging to the yeti.

Ten years later in June of 1996, Messner made another national claim that he bought a yeti skeleton from nomads on the Plain of Ladakh, at 6,000 feet between Pakistan and India.

By then searching seriously for the yeti, he announced to the world that he had been able to film the backside of a mother yeti and her young as they retreated from his approach. The black-haired female yeti was two meters tall (6-7 feet), and the young one was a bright red color according to Messner.

Continuing their search, two days later mountaineer Messner said he filmed a sleeping yeti. Closing within 20 yards to film the creature, they observed it for a full three minutes. Then it woke up, stared at them in confusion then walked away into the forest. There was at the time, no mention of it being a bear.

Messner wasn't shy about his comments, he is on record as saying the yeti lives to be about 30 years old and it communicates by whistling; lives on yaks and sheep (though there are very few reported missing). The area northeast of Everest, he said, consists of valleys that are incredibly remote and almost impossible to traverse. The region is thickly forested and would provide ample food and shelter. Messner stated at the time, his belief there were 1000 yeti living in the Himalayas. They are only noted above snowline, he said. These possible survivors of Neanderthal man, Messner asserted, may have retreated to Central Asia 38,000 years ago.

Subsequently, Reinhold Messner wrote in his 2001 book, "My Search for the Yeti," that the creature was nothing more than a bear, “a type of highly-intelligent bear known to the Tibetan natives as the “chemo," he declared. Apparently his confusion is the residual effect of oxygen deprivation while traversing high altitudes.

Sketch by observer Slawomir Rawicz made in 1942

If you wish
enlarge the sketch

Many researchers, including myself disagree with the latter assessment that the Himalayan yeti is a bear. The creature is most often reported by yak herders as being "two yaks tall" in height; they know well the difference between a yeti and a bear, the latter considerably shorter.

I am in good company in this research along with Dr. Helmut Loof-Wissova who laughed and said Messner should stick to mountain climbing, for he knows nothing of homins and related subjects, he is after all, a mountaineer.

Bhutanese/Japanese Mitsuko Choden and Dr. Joe Watanabi have tracked a similar creature to the story published in 1942 "The Long Walk" by the late Slawomir Rawicz. His sketch of the two 8-foot tall Himalayan yetis in some ways resembles the North American sasquatch both in height and in girth. They were also quite black haired and seen in the foothills of Sikkim, next to Nepal and Tibet by six witnesses. The paragraph in Rawicz’s book is short, but well documented, through personal communication with him shortly before he died. The sketch, drawn in 1942 of the two creatures seen in the Himalayan foothills, is attached.

Bobbie Short, December 2005
Bigfoot Encounters.com