The unknown gorilla-like anthropoids are found out in woods of Congo.
Comments by Michael Trahtengerts
As it was shown by search in the Internet, this new sensation is based on two articles, copied later by many WEB sites. The following is citations from them with my notes.
The first of them ¾ online authorless report in BBC/Nature entitled " 'New' giant ape found in DR Congo ". It says that original article about new primate species has been issued by English magazine New Scientist at the beginning of October, 2004 (comment - I have not found out an article with the content in online releases of the magazine).
Animals that have gorilla and chimpanzee characteristics were noticed in the North of Democratic Republic Congo. According to tales of local countrymen, they are capable to kill a lion.
The discovery of these apes "reveals just how much we still have to learn about our closest living relatives," New Scientist says.
They are up to two meters tall, the size of gorillas, and like gorillas, they nest on the ground, not in trees. But they live hundreds of km away from any other known gorilla populations, and their diet is closer to that of chimpanzees.
Primatologist Shelly Williams is thought to be the only scientist that saw the apes. She told, that during stay in Congo two years ago, she took them on video and had found out their nests. "Four suddenly came rushing out of the bush towards me," she told New Scientist. "If this had been a bluff charge, they would have been screaming to intimidate us. These guys were quiet. And they were huge. They were coming in for the kill. I was directly in front of them, and as soon as they saw my face, they stopped and disappeared."
The discovery has baffled scientists. There are three controversial possibilities to explain the origin of the mystery apes:
So far, researchers have little to go on, but they now plan to return to northern DR Congo to study the apes further.
This publication was accompanied by a photo of a mountain gorilla female with a child with legend: "The new ape has some gorilla characteristics". It not reproduced here, since the picture can lead reader to misunderstanding.
The second, Michael Hanlon's acticle has title "King Congo: Super-gorillas spotted in Africa".
At beginning he retells the story from New Scientist and shows some general thoughts about objects of cryptozoology which he counts as products of superimagination. Then he passed, as he expressed, to supergorillas.
In that case, he thinks, the situation has sound base (there increased quantity proofs is available such as photos, video-tapes, and even samples of DNA, as well as the observation by well known primatologist). He adds to the story by Shelley Williams about new primates:
"They have a very flat face, a wide muzzle and their brow-ridge runs straight across and overhangs. They seem to turn grey very early in life, but instead of turning grey-black like a gorilla, they turn grey all over."
Hanlon emphasizes, that the story is met now skeptically, and tells about the similar attention to the first reports on lowland and mountain gorillas that were discovered in the beginning of the last century. Research of a new gorilla species have been started in 1996 by Swiss journalist Charles Ammann after he heard from locals about big apes (lion killers) in 700 km from known places of gorillas. Moreover, he was told about their amazing attitude to people: "Gorilla males will always charge when they encounter a hunter, but there were no stories like that." Instead, these apes would come face-to-face with their human cousins, stare intently in half-recognition, then slide away quietly. No aggression, yet no fear either. Shelley Williams, who was affiliated to Jane Goodall Institute, not only saw these animals in Bali region, but also took them on video. Scientists saw 8 such primates altogether.
This article was originally published on page 13 of Daily News on November 04, 2004
Comments - Apparently, the second article is some expansion of the first, i.e. there is one primary source only. They both have no original images claimed as received at contacts. It compels to accept these verbal descriptions with care. Collective hunting is absolutely untypical of known primates also. If these observations will prove to be true, a new hypothesis may appear ¾ the surviving of descendants from Australopithecus, the first hominoid hunter. Available Australopithecus crania show that the creatures could look like rather similar to modern gorillas.
Ó Trachtengerts M. 2004