tracks on banks of lower currents of
At the
beginning of April, 2012 I casually saw at YOUTUBE a video named "Tracks
of the yeti on Yamal". It was known already for
me that there were encounterings and observations of hairy
hominoids in Taiga and along the lower northern part of
After Pushkarev's tragedy no wide researches of hominoids there
were carried out. Therefore I with great interest have got acquainted with new
facts in the video provided by local TV company TRV-MUJI, located in Muji (Muzhi) settlement on the west
bank of Ob river.
The link to
the video is
It may be
also downloaded from site of the TV company
Here we can
see some still shots from this film.
The title of the video shows that the finding had place in September of
This occurred near small
settlement named Akanleim in
The local dweller Pavel Sandrin narrates about the
tracks here and elsewhere. Behind his a wet flat bank where the tracks were
found is seen.
One of the traces.
One of the clearly seen tracks.
One more of deep
tracks, there were a lot of them on the bank.
There were
tracks made by different creatures, small and big (children and adults?).
journalist near traces.
After I became acquainted with this video
and examining some stills I was convinced that the tracks are original. Yet no
metric measurements were provided. In short, the big toes on creature
's feet can bend independently from other four toes and drop deep into
wet ground to keep steady movement. Feet of human are not capable to bent in such a way.
So, I
hastened to contact the producer and editor of this video. My first letter to
Edward Sekretov remained without any answer. Then I
addressed with letter to the heads of the TV company. This
was also disregarded. Considering that the findings have significant scientific
value, I have no doubts that it is necessary to renew researches in this area.
Below I convey my somewhat cut letters to producers of the movie.
It was
became known in September, 2011, about findings of bare feet similar to human's,
and they are the most new observations known to us now.
"= - =
- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
Michael Trachtengerts <trachtengerts@mtu-net.ru>
To: inbox@trv-muji.ru <inbox@trv-muji.ru>
Saturday, April 07, 2012, 10:04:12 PM
About traces of "yeti"
Dear editors
of the TRV-MUJI program,
some time
ago I saw a video film that was made by your TV company about finding of many
barefoot tracks on bank of
No answer
followed. So I send you a copy of that letters in hope to receive your response
because this subject which was raised into view by
your movie seems to be very important for science.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Trachtengerts
Dear Edward Sekretov,
my name
is Michael Trachtengerts, I live in
seminar on this problem.. Probably, you saw sometime activists of the seminar on
TV shows or elsewhere.
I created site ALAMAS http://alamas.ru, which presents many data about
hominoids in
with Victoria Pupko, Mark Gass,
etc, carried out some expeditions there.
Some data
from your area on last times are presented in my site:
findings as yours recently occurred in the
It would be
desirable to know your view on this problem.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Trachtengerts, mailto:trachtengerts@mtu-net.ru"
I can
explain such neglecting pose of journalists mainly by modes in modern mass
media. Usually they are interested only with sensations of the moment. In this
case ― the sensation was shot, the subject passed away, forgotten and
should not be remembered any more.
It is good
in any case, that the video remained available till now.
Michail Trachtengerts
April 2012