In 2004 Lorenzo Rossi was with an expedition to Nepal.
"I found many nests of "tree bear" when I was in Nepal and many people
tell me that in Nepal live "Bhui-Baloo" (earth bear) and "Rhuc-Baloo"
(tree bear), but no one tell me that Rhuc Baloo have paws like human hands.
Ide talks about a pigmy nepalese bear but rhuc baloo and bhui baloo are
the same animal.
Finally the pictures of the print in Ide book
isn't a bear footprints... I send you a pictures of my hand comparison
with a front paw of napalese black bear..."
The photo shows dramatic differences between morphology of black Himalayan bear and human hand - the point discussed by D.Taylor-Ide. There is impossible to suggest that they can give similar prints in the snow or on the ground. It is enough to look at three bear claws. Rossi writes also:
"I have personally noticed that the marks of the claws of
black bear that climbing a tree are always four and never five".