30 August, 2008
Unknown reptile far to the North from Polar Circle?·
Bigfoot is capable to throw huge boulders, B.C., Canada
Bigfoots used to help hunter, USA
Wonderful story on longtime friendly Bigfoot contacts in the USA
Report on longtime Bigfoot observations in Pennsylvania, USA, received from researcher Daniel Perez
Not connected with hominoids, but unique article by V.Yarmoliuk and V.Nikolayev "Unknown Denizens of Lake Hirghiz-nuur in Mongolia"
Bobbie Short had send us a careful comment on the premise in one of publications from China (on Russian part of the site) that the Himalayan yeti is a Tibetan red bear, with sketch by Slawomir Rawicz
It is possible to meet a hominoid in the Center of Europe until now - an observation in Kosovo
A new medium-sized monkey species is found in Africa
Responses to the article
New gorilla-like primates were encountered in DR Congo
Nature plays joke with a cryptozoologist - this may be said looking at the photo
In July 2004 Israeli newspaper Maariv Daily presented picture of a monkey that began upwalking (after Dan Waldman)
The recent communication from UK, a bifoot was seen in the country.