October, 2008

· A sight into the book "A Look from Behind" by Siberian researcher Olga Koshmanova, with full text in Russian

· Review of the book "On trace of Almas" by Mongolian researcher Zhugderiin Damdin, in Russian translation

· Instead of a review my foreword and afterword to book "Leshy nicknamed as Ape" by Dmitri Bayanov are posted

· Michael Kirokosyan from Astrakhan sent to us his book The Search of Mysterious Cryptids, in Russian


· The new book by D.Vinogradova, N.Nepomnaschiy, and A.Novikov "Is the Neanderthal man alive?" is published in Moscow, in Russian

· Cryptozoologist Gregory Panchenko has issued the book "The catalogue of the monsters" (2002, 383 pp., ISBN 5-94847-052-0)

· The Moscow publishing house "Company Sputnik+" has issued the book by Vadim Yu. Makarov "The Atlas of the snowmen" (2002, 311 pp., ISBN 5-93406-237-9).

· On book "Speaking birds and speaking mammals" by O.L.Silaeva, V.D.Ilichev, A.P.Dubrov, 2005, in Russian