October, 2008
A sight into the book "A Look from Behind" by Siberian researcher Olga Koshmanova, with full text in Russian·
Review of the book "On trace of Almas" by Mongolian researcher Zhugderiin Damdin, in Russian translation
Instead of a review my foreword and afterword to book "Leshy nicknamed as Ape" by Dmitri Bayanov are posted
Michael Kirokosyan from Astrakhan sent to us his book The Search of Mysterious Cryptids, in Russian
The new book by D.Vinogradova, N.Nepomnaschiy, and A.Novikov "Is the Neanderthal man alive?" is published in Moscow, in Russian
Cryptozoologist Gregory Panchenko has issued the book "The catalogue of the monsters" (2002, 383 pp., ISBN 5-94847-052-0)
The Moscow publishing house "Company Sputnik+" has issued the book by Vadim Yu. Makarov "The Atlas of the snowmen" (2002, 311 pp., ISBN 5-93406-237-9).
On book "Speaking birds and speaking mammals" by O.L.Silaeva, V.D.Ilichev, A.P.Dubrov, 2005, in Russian